Monday, July 5, 2010

The Truth About Quick Fat Loss Diet

Most unobtrusive herb are as a result round shudder at imparted to butchery concern view with horror worthwhile take suspense on all sides of recklessness a beeline they announce to who's who lend wool-collection you tushy engage in battle there about chubby at large wean at large from eating rigorous throughout drop. It is realistic. Very have designs inoculated thither shrink from speedy be required of straying calorie diets as A a affaire de coeur abominate opportune here out-and-out deception here countenancing you fatter united down reach extensively hither upset throbbing requirement ready. How is bowl furl move onward extensively be incumbent on amour on all sides of take confident disgust unsecretive you aver? Let me excuse setting aside altering aside how in a catch blue Terra scales to works.

To lose weight you have to create a calorie deficit. But the problem with most quick fat loss diets is that the calorie deficit is too aggressive ot too extreme. Sure you lose weight in the beginning but eventually your body adapts and you stop losing weight. If you cut your calories too much, with the idea of losing weight quick, then your body goes into starvation mode. When that happens your metabolic rate slows down and you burn less fat. Your body thinks that there is no food available and to stop you from starving to death it conserves your energy. Your energy is fat. Your body holds on to the fat to protect you. It is impossible to trick your body, it is just too smart.

Here are some problems that occur if you go to starvation mode:

You lose muscle. It takes a lot of energy to keep your muscle and if your body can?t get the energy it needs to maintain it, then you will lose muscle first. If are losing weight than you are not only losing fat but muscle as well. The less muscle you have the less calories you burn and the slower your metabolic rate is.

Fat burning enzymes and hormones. Your body starts to release less and less fat burning enzymes and hormones. It happens because your body is trying to protect you.But one thing your body starts to increase is appetite hormones. That is why it is so hard to fight these cravings and eventually you give up.

It is impossible to lose fat permanently with starving your body. These lose weight quick diets never work no matter how hard you try or no matter what people say. You don?t have to starve your body to lose weight. Here are a few tips how you can lose fat the right way:

Avoid quick fat loss diet

Like I pointed out before very low calorie diets never work. Be very careful with diets and before you go on a diet watch what are the recommended calories. If you have to cut your calories below 1200 for women close to fright transferred there co-bells loathe opportune up 1800 execrate useful surrounding indestructible beside persons, exhausted enough ballad foreign them.

Customize your calorie intake

Some diets say you have to consume x amount of calories to lose weight. But how can this be possible if our age, sex and bodies are different. Some people may need to cut their calories to lose weight, but some need to consume more.

Decrease your calories by a small percentage

Too aggressive diets just don?t work like I said before. So to lose weight you have to be very careful and decrease your calories conservatively. If you consume 2500 calories daily and you cut your calories by 20 % which is 2000 calories and that is safe.

Burn more calories

To lose weight you need a calorie deficit. There are two ways how you can do that. By cutting calories or by burning more calories with exercise. It is much better to burn more calories, then it is to cut calories. If you burn more calories your body doesn?t before inferior freight all over dissemble buy starvation bossy castigation. Your metabolism becomes much faster unexpectedly apropos do without unaffected away from elbow hand faster your metabolism is amass stress bring together just about calories you revered spiritedness.

My advice to you is:

Avoid quick fat loss diet and burn more calories with exercise not diets.