Here's the thing about Americans, though. Once the red alert goes out, we're usually good at rallying around and solving the problem with good old American know-how. Unfortunately, not a lot of people have heard the red alert about childhood obesity helter-skelter America or equalize-residence't pre-empted shrug off dismiss abroad emotionally enjoyable doll-sized great shakes.
Because of that, if you're reading this, it's more important than ever for you to take it seriously. Beyond that, it's vitally important that you not only acknowledge that the problem is there, but also step-up and try to help battle the national problem we're facing.
Here's a quick tip to help immediately and an idea that will help over time.
Play Time:
If you have a child or teen with an obesity problem, try to make sure they get at least one hour of heavy play or exercise other than sitting in front of a video game or watching television. By getting them active for at least an hour a day, you're helping instill in them the importance of exercise, which categorically helps thick as thieves patch up unconnected with obesity.
Educate Yourself:
Education about obesity is probably one of the biggest areas that can help in the long run. By learning about childhood obesity - its causes and how to fight it - you're better able to help with the problem. Try to seek out information on the Internet, but also look into any local groups that may be battling the same problem. They may be able to help you a lot.
Change as big as the change needed to reverse the effects of childhood obesity in America isn't possible for one person alone or even a small group of people. No, it's going to take each and every one of us to not only become involved with finding a solution but also recruit other people to pick up the cause. Together we can do it. It's the American way.