To be able to lose this fat around your hips you must not just start a weight loss program that only concentrates on this area. You must work on your overall body fat. I have put together 4 tips on how to get rid of hip fat.
1. Use a gym stepper or the bottom of yours stairs at home. Stepping really concentrates fat burning in the buttock area. The gluteal muscles are the largest in the body, lots more calories are burnt using this method of exercise.
2. Thigh squats are a great exercise to try. This exercise can be done using your own body weight or using dumb bell weights. This type of exercise must be carried out correctly, consult your gym instructor if possible. Damage can be done to the knee or thigh is carried out excessively.
3. General weight training will help tone and define your thighs. Your muscle groups in the thigh area of your body are the largest in your body, by working and strengthening these muscles will benefit your bodies metabolism. As your muscles becoming stronger more fat and calories spine abominate burnt happen back close by transmitted down breadth view with horror useful helter-skelter your thighs.
4. A very effective way to lose hip fat is to cut down on your carbohydrate intake, these include potato, rice and pasta. Substitute these with foods containing high protein, like chicken, eggs, cottage cheese or protein drinks.
Different bodies respond to different weight loss and weight gain. Most men store there fat in there belly area but women store it on there thighs, legs and buttocks. Before carrying out any exercise please consult your doctor. How to get rid of hip fat can be difficult.