In fact a recent study of 360,000 Europeans revealed that extra belly fat was even worse than originally thought. Researchers discovered that the link between excess belly fat and a myriad of diseases was so strong that the lead researcher Dr. Tobias Pinchon stated "There aren't many simple individual characteristics that can increase a person's risk of premature death to this extent, independent of smoking and drinking." That?s a powerful statement.
If you do have extra belly fat can you get rid of it? Thankfully, yes you can lose any extra fat that?s accumulated around your belly. There are three ?Golden Rules? that you must follow to quickly get rid of your excess belly fat.
Getting Rid of Belly Fat Rule 1
Lift weights ? Although this flies in the face of much common wisdom, for most people a moderately short and very intense weight training routine will do far more to help them get rid of belly fat. This is because weight training builds muscle, and that in turn raises your basal metabolic rate, causing you to burn more calories all day long. The calories you burn by raising your basal metabolic rate will more than compensate for the fewer calories you publicly fervour extensively outlander doing shorter workouts, as A dinky compared round hand stiffener encircling a bring absent disadvantaged be useful to prospect be speedy be beneficial to go steady with smart cardio sessions.
Getting Rid of Belly Fat Rule 2
Get rid of sugar. Actually, you should avoid high glycemic index carbohydrates. Glycemic index is a measure of how fast a carbohydrate affects your blood sugar level. Three of the worst offenders are refined sugar, white rice, and white flour. Rid your diet of as many foods containing these ingredients as possible.
Getting Rid of Belly Fat Rule 3
Eat more meals. That requires some clarification. You shouldn?t simply eat more meals. You should eat the same amount of food you eat now, or possibly a bit less, but you should break up your caloric intake into more, smaller portions throughout the day. Instead of 3 meals, eat 5 to 6 smaller meals. You body will be better able to absorb the nutritional content of your food. Less of your food will be stored as fat and you will benefit more from the food you eat.
Following these three ?golden rules for fat loss? will help you in getting rid of your belly fat fast. You?ll be healthier and look better too.