There is a ratio of 40 to 30 to 30 of carbohydrates, protein and fat in the zone diet. Some nonscientific studies done by various television shows have shown that the diet can indeed produce reasonable weight-loss. Some of the studies even showed an increase in muscle mass while on the zone diet. In addition, people found the zone diet the easiest to maintain of all the low carb diets.
The result of the zone diet and its hormone balance is the body releasing anti-inflammatory chemicals like those found in aspirin, but without side effects. In addition, claims Sears, the natural anti-inflammatories help with heart health. The body also becomes more efficient as a result of the zone diet, meaning it stops storing fat. Thus, with no fat stored, and with stored fat used as energy, the body loses weight. Later Sears added a Omega three and Omega six fatty acids to the diet, through such supplements as unblended sedative fish oils.
The zone diet calls for the following – a hand full sized piece of meat, as many vegetables as you can eat, and just enough carbs to maintain mental clarity.
This zone diet has a famous weight loss case in its files, that of the man who weighed over 1200 pounds. After two years on the zone diet he lost nearly 1/3 of that weight, all that after trying everything he could think of including liposuction that had nearly been fatal. The man's current diet consists of 2000 calories broken up into six meals per day. It includes egg white omelets, fresh salads, chicken, fish, and other healthy foods mandated by the zone diet.
Exercise care when taking up the zone diet.