Sunday, July 4, 2010

Diet Shakes - Do They Really Work

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Bottoms Up

So whats the deal? Do they actually work? Can chugging a thick chocolate shake really melt the pounds off your frame? The fact, is that they are really meant to be a diet supplement. That is, something to consume other then fatty or high calorie foods.

It's All About You

In the end, it is you and your commitment to your diet that are going to have to counted on to do the real weight reducing. There really is nothing out there that can melt off pounds by consuming it but it sure would be great if there was.

No Guilt Trips

However; on the plus side, diet shakes do taste pretty good and they are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Also, in spite of their thick creamy texture they are very low in fat. They are a tasty treat that you can reward yourself with and not feel guilty.

Paper ? Some Trees are Edible

Thats because they get their silky texture from ?paper?. Thats correct, you read it right! Read the ingredients on the back and if their is cellulose listed on it, that my friend is a fancy word for highly processed wood pulp.

The Ultimate Diet Food

But don't freak out. Cellulose is possibly one of the best diet foods out there. It has zero calories, fills you up, has no flavor and makes for great thick and creamy shakes. Also, being that it is paper fiber, it does have a lot of roughage which helps with digestion.