Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Colon Cleansing And Weight Loss - The Truth About Weight Loss And Colon Cleansing

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The colon is the depository for the sludge our body produces from food after all of the nutrients have been removed from it during the digestive process. Most if this is expelled in the stool, but some of it sticks to the colon and hardens there. This waste material is of no use to the body and can actually cause the colon to work less efficiently over time.

As the colon function goes down the so does the efficiency of the entire digestive process. This can cause many symptoms including skin problems, depression, and weight gain. Many people have reported having a much easier time losing weight following an all natural colon cleanse.

There is also an immediate weight loss that many people experience while on a colon cleansing program. This is due to the fact that many experts estimate that there can be as much as fifteen pounds of waste material in the average person?s colon. Since this waste material is removed during the colon cleanse some people will experience up to fifteen pounds of weight loss turn on the waterworks later than eruption rhythm out for doors colon freshly laundered itself.

There is no magic cure for weight loss. The simple fact of the matter is that to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you ingest. Cleansing the colon can assist you in your weight loss goals, but do not expect to lose weight if you consume more calories than you burn.

By cleansing your colon you are giving yourself the best chance to lose weight and to keep that weight off, but if you do not alter your diet and exercise patterns then the weight you lose while on a colon cleanse will quickly return.