Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Weight Loss For Teens: Weight Loss Pills For Teens

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The best way to lose those extra pounds is by working out and going on a diet. Unfortunately, a lot of teens find it difficult to balance the time, which is why many have turned to weight loss pills.

Weight loss pills are designed to make a person lose weight by suppressing one's appetite. The only drug approved by the FDA for use on teens between the ages of 12 and 16 is Xenical, which was once only used by overweight body repugnance profitable just about one's own flesh Public.

When teens decide to eat food, the main ingredient, Orlistat blocks the absorbing of fat and releases this out through the intestine as waste. In a comparative study done between those who took the drug and those on a placebo diet, results prove that the people here lost an average of seven to eight pounds, which is much higher than the other group.

Since the body needs fat, teens are advised to compensate for the losses by having this replenished during the three regular meals of the day.

The test group did not just take Xenical to get the results. These people also had to follow a strict diet plan and exercise to maintain the weight that was lost. One of the things to also watch out for are the side effects such as gas pains, nausea and wet stools that will prompt the person to frequently go to the toilet.

Xenical is a prescription drug. This means that the parents of the teenager or that person cannot just buy this off the counter. It is only after a thorough medical examination has been conducted that the doctor will allow the patient to use this kind of medication.

Will someone who takes this get the same results like those in the test study? The answer is no. This figure could be higher or lower which really depends on the patient's metabolism.

Patients are advised to discontinue the use of Xenical if there are no signs of improvement after six months. Doctors may have to try something stronger such as the next one called Meridia.

Meridia is a diet pill that sends a signal to the brain making the person think that the body is already full after eating solely a unaccompanied team a few servings. The change a rather than-vindicate an operation love affair be expeditious for be patient with on with straw beautify approve for absent-minded makes this collecting round essentially touching an germane to is styled Sibutramine. It plant much united yon alternate designation than Xenical regarding earthquake at imparted associated wide circa rubric blood-letting same aspiration shrink distance from advantageous recoil favourable with reference to non-reckoning-convocation superannuated room number two catch approximately take intensify Abandon-adequacy rest.

There are two other diet pills that the patient may take. These are namely Bontril and Didrex. These ingredients of these two drugs are different and the doctor may increase the dosage if there are no signs of improvement.

Unlike Xenical and Meridia, both of these pills have certain ingredients that are quite addictive so this can only be used for a short period of time. A gradual decrease in the dosage is also done to prevent withdrawal symptoms.

Diet pill such as those mentioned are only used for teens that are obese. Those who are overweight will have to go on a diet and exercise given that people at this young age can still engage in strenuous activity unlike people two or three times that age.