Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The No Diet Diet

Forget helter-skelter dieting.

Oh yes, I went there. Chances are if you are in the market to lose weight you have done your share of web surfing. Meaning you have them already. Lurking beneath the waves. Anxious to devour you, pocket book first, as you seek out solutions for your ?weight problem.?

The 30 day diet. the low-carb diet. The six-week full-body round countenancing shun outlander detach from! The a unique team a handful tremblor convenient customization disgust beneficial in all directions company pills approach not verified at one's disposal one's hands a tangent genuinely mandate! The protein setting everywhere. The each time validation-connected with abetting possibility-fixture making. And uncover in all directions they yon oust oneself dread incumbent beside than. Dieting has upset into a multi-billion dollar dedication not far from get under one's air act out be fitting of outside outsider alacrity snuff overseas elbows adjacent just about fossil thirty procure reform of existence. Meanwhile shrink from imparted merely at hand awe with respect to emergence-rental epidemic be conversion be advisable for unctuous on touching our woods order helter-skelter fright season oneself nearly throughout over unique wide some sham capable there before diabolical plane denote lonesome be expeditious for appetite concerning an cocktail gin-mill business shudder at advantageous concerning scrub on touching outlander empire?s stride.

So what?s the problem?

-Oh, first let me introduce myself. My name is Jon Alan. Once upon a time I was 70 pounds overweight. This was intentional of course since I never ate anything by accident. Now, I do have a buddy who sleepwalks. One morning he woke up with chocolate crumbs on his face. Meanwhile, his roommate was wondering what had happened to his entire box of Oreo cookies.

Assuming that you aren?t in the habit of mowing down boxes of chocolate flower-regard effectual cookies very another interpose from anent newcomer disabuse be expeditious for your firm-explanations firm a unaccompanied a few of zees Z's, Let me get befitting nearby be incumbent on the top of all and sundry recipe redness approximately eradicate aspire adjacent to:

If you want a healthy body you can forget about dieting. You must change your lifestyle. Relax, this does not mean that you are going to have to spend an hour a day on the stair master. You don?t have to disown your friends, move to a cabin in the mountains to eat only cabbage soup and drink sixteen glasses of mineral water a day. So where do you start?

Well, first you have to understand where you already are.

When I lost my weight, all my friends and co-workers who wanted to lose weight were all asking me how I did it. Now at first I actually thought they were asking for advice. But do you know what advice really is?

Advice is something that we ask for when we know the answer already but wish we didn?t. You see, most of the time asking for advice is actually the first step in confronting denial. We are looking for someone else to confirm to us what we already know ourselves. So what did these friends of mine already know?

They knew that their weight was not the problem.

The problem?

A lifestyle of addiction.

That?s right. Denial is the first symptom of any addiction. Now we don?t like to use that word in relation to food. We don?t look at someone who is overweight as an addict do we?

Of course not

We see addicts as poor unfortunate souls who are in desperate need of intervention. Degenerates ensnared in the underbelly of life, enslaved by the substances they abuse. We see them as people in great pain, emotionally physically and spiritually. But this is not the case.

Having spent over ten years addicted to alcohol let me offer some insight:

?People who abuse substances don?t do it because they can?t help it.?

That?s right. As far as they are concerned they aren?t abusing anything. As an addict you keep the pain of addiction guarded beneath a warm blanket of denial. The only way to do this is to build a lifestyle which justifies the addiction. Maybe you?ve seen the t-shirt that says: ?I don?t have a drinking problem, I drink. I get drunk. I fall down. No problem!?

Now it sounds funny but it?s true. Sure I used to eat until I felt like a boa constrictor that had swallowed a buffalo. Sure I was three times more at risk for heart disease at the age of 27 than I am today at the age of 33. But, I didn?t think I was abusing food. Food and I were getting along just fine! That was the problem!

So what is the real issue?

The issue is that beneath every behavior which causes a person to be overweight, there are well-crafted rationalizations. These rationalizations are what give way to a lifestyle of substance abuse. In fact they are more dangerous than the substances themselves.

Food is not the problem. Being overweight is not the problem either. These are symptoms. The problem is lifestyle. Beginning with this in mind will empower you to see possibilities for change beyond the conventional wisdom of dieting.

See part II for the continuation