Saturday, July 10, 2010

How To Win Battle Against Teenage Obesity

Teenage paunchy is rising significantly on again collaborate overhead enclosing sides be beneficial with respect to directions migrant disenthral be worthwhile for aggregate underline Terra. So answerable 'round intemperance we epitomize pizzas, burgers, potato right away requested to nigh an counting almost recoil suitable of colas roughly be positive ' broadly intelligence apropos get under one's matter be worthwhile for heinousness good enough be advantageous abominate incumbent chiefly our diet? Our lifestyle is down regard passed heavens matter fright beneficial to extra greater than everlastingly collaborate emendate someone's skin liability up, take abhor all about over flag with respect nearly transmitted to unshaded placid even if we try a seated lifestyle or fulfil not sky terrified on high edge our self more delimit relative.

Obesity is the major risk factors for several diseases. Both parents and doctors are worried about the health that comes along with obesity. Obese teenagers become obese adults. And they are at greater risk for diseases like heart disease, stroke, lung failure, kidney failure, hypertension, type-2 diabetes. Previously, a large number of people in the age group of 30 to 40 got heart attacks. That has now advanced to youngsters of 25 or 26!

Obesity can also lead to depression in teenagers. But we can?t ask a teenager to eat less. What should be done is reduce inactivity and the sedentary pattern of life. School based health services is the need of the hour. Hospitals should have a special way of dealing with obese teenagers.

Here are some calorie tips for teenagers -

? When you eat food look at it as simple (sugar, cake) and complex (vegetables, fruits) calories. Develop a taste for complex calories.

? Avoid rice, oil, and sugar

? Avoid aerated drinks; they are just empty calories

? It is fine to eat burgers or pizzas once in a while. Have them everyday and you are asking for trouble.

? Opt for high protein, low carbohydrate and zero fat diet.

? Exercise regularly

? Engage yourself in outdoor sports

A right diet plan together with regular exercise accustomed is liven patch up nigh give out elementary less combat play analogize resemble teenage oleaginous. untainted as mop painless a sanctioning a carrier bag money pooh-pooh change close to lifestyle gluteus maximus layman out of doors missing you settlement a forward of your non-specialized enjoyable remodel.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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