Sunday, July 11, 2010

How To Detect Obesity

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Barring exceptional developments like pregnancy, accumulation of fluids in the body(which takes place due to some problems of endocrine glands, liver, kidneys or heart) or unnatural and malignant growth of bones, the only other factor responsible for weight gain after attaining adulthood is accumulation of fat.

The human body is made is made of several different constituents which discharge different functions from viewpoint of metabolism. They are as follows:-

(1) Active cells (approx 58%) (2) Extra-cellular water (approx 23%) (3) Bones and materials (approx 4%) and (4) Fat (approx 15%). With advancing age if physical activity decreases and the teenage eating habits continue, than fat starts accumulating and manifests itself in the form of obesity.

Obesity is that state of the body in which weight of the body is higher, at least, by 10% than the ideal or desirable weight. If the weight is higher to 20%, it is a state of sever obesity. It is an indisputable fact that the hazards associated with obesity are paralysed stand aghast at accompanied overwrought everywhere detest beside feel sorry an romance for draught assiduity relative to build-up up force amount utter fat.

From the above definition the question that naturally arises is, what should be considered as the ideal or desirable weight?

Ideal weight is that which increases a person's longevity. Based on the study and survey of millions of policyholders, life insurance companies have issued charts of ideal weight. Such charts have different columns for people with different types of body frames. Ideal weight is classified under three such columns: small frame, medium frame and large frame. People having the same height, but having different types of physical frames have different ideal weights.


First Method:-

Harpenden calipers are specially designed forks to pinch certain parts of the body to determine the skin-fold thickness.

These positions are like (1) portion of the chest under the armpit, (2) stomach or abdomen, (3) thigh, (4) rear portion of the arm, (5) portion under the triangular bone of the back and (6) buttocks. After pinching the body if the skin-fold thickness measures more than one inch, it indicates excess fat. However it possible to ascertain excess fat even without using the specially designed instrument, anybody can pinch his body with the help of his thumb and forefinger and can easily ascertain the presence of excess fat.

Second Method:-

The reflection in a mirror gives sufficient evidence of excess fat accumulation. Generally the fat accumulates the chin, the neck, the belly and the waist of men, and on the breasts, the belly, the waist, the thighs and the buttocks of women.

If a person wearing minimum required clothes, stands before a mirror and observes the above-mentioned parts of his body, he can easily find out wither there is any excess fat on these parts or not. If it is not possible to decide easily where the chin ends and where the neck begins, if the waistline is broader than the chest line, if the belly is large and sagging or the thighs rub against each other while walking, they are sure signs of the excess fat. Experts believe that for men, measurement of waistline is like a lighthouse signal. "If one finds it difficult to put on his old clothes, or if he finds it difficult to button them up or if he feels that his clothes have started fitting him tight, it is an indication that his fat is increasing".

Third method:-

If a person gets breathless even at the slightest exertion or feels tired after climbing a staircase, he should take it as an

Indication of the presence of excess fat on his body.


1) Any weight gain that occurs after the age of 20 is generally due to excess fat.

2) If your weight is 10% higher than the ideal weight, you are fat and if it is higher by

20% or more you are obese.

3) The method of pinching the skin is very useful to ascertain obesity.

4) Standing before the mirror and observing your chin, neck, chest, belly, waist, thighs and buttocks will give you a fairly comprehensive idea of your obesity.

"Obesity is just like a hanging sword over one's neck". One must try to get rid of this as soon as possible.