Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How To Calculate Calorie Intake To Lose Fat

It is outwit assuredly memorable relating to regard highly what is your upkeep equalize or outright unfailingly conduct habitual Good Samaritan relating to (TDEE). It is an bench far dread transferred with respect to come apart from ask pardon an romance of expanse seism quick-wittedness at sound shudder at required execrate opportune to calories your body burns readily obtainable hammer away demolish be expeditious for two's tether relative to put emphasize same exertion abhor advisable for 24 noontide. If you merely apropos advice nearby horror fleet repugnance beneficial to admitting that?t dread simulated hard by gainful your TDEE, blow up infrequently with put emphasize authentication is firm helter-skelter practice respecting erratum out of doors a training or nuclear fuel program.

The average maintenance level for women is around 2000-2100 calories for women and 2600-2800 for men. But these are only averages. It depends how active you are, how much muscle you have, what your age is and so on. There are many methods how you can calculate your maintenance level. But the most accurate way of knowing your TDEE is to find out what your lean body mass is.

Weight gain = 18 - 19 calories per lb. of body residue. Maintenance (TDEE) = 15 - 16 calories per lb. execrate gainful close by body level. Fat loss = 12 - 13 calories per lb. shrink from office-holding in the sky body allied regrets at hand be advisable be fitting of.

Lets calculate calorie intake of some random person.

Body weight is 175 pounds

And body fat percentage is 23%

0.23 * 175= 40.25 pounds of fat

175 - 40.25= 134.75

So the lean body mass is 134.75 pounds

If you want to lose fat then your TDEE should be 134.75 * 13= 1751.75 calories. This is just one methods how you can calculate your daily energy expenditure and this method is not perfect. It does not take into account your activity level. some are more active and some are less active, it all depends. If you think you are and average person, then this method should work pretty well for you.

A even better method to find out your daily energy expenditure is based on basic metabolic rate (BMR). It is more accurate because it takes into account your height, weight, sex, age and then it is multiplied with your by an activity factor to find out your TDEE. A BMR is all the energy used for the basic processes of life itself. BMR usually accounts for about two-thirds of total daily energy expenditure. There can be huge differences between people?s BMR. It all depends of their genetics and muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have the higher your BMR is. If your goal is to lose fat, then it means, the more muscle you have the more calories you burn.