Sunday, July 11, 2010

Green Tea And Its Weight Loss Connection

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Evidence of Green Tea and Weight Loss Connection

While it is true that many people of Asian descent are small thin people and green tea is produced in Asia, however is that enough to draw the conclusion that tea and weight loss go hand in hand? Not necessarily, but it is not a bad place to start.

Nevertheless, you are probably more interested in some cold facts than loose connections. Fair enough, let us examine some of the claims of it has on weight loss and see if there is any substantial proof to back them up.


Merchants are touting the idea that green tea gives a boost to the metabolism. That is it increases the number of calories you burn without you doing any exercise. While that claim may sound fantastic, some research shows it could be true.

In a study in published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition it was found that metabolic rate was increased for individuals that received a tea extract. Japanese women who received colloquy connected with beside shot at elbow broadcast older a 10% low-almost certainly obtainable hand mediate wits energy.

Fat Loss

A rise in metabolism is all good and well but what about the claims that it will actually help you lose fat? One possible way that it affects weight loss is in blood sugar stabilization. After you eat the pancreas releases insulin to regulate sugar levels. Sharp spikes in insulin results in fat storage. The catchins in green tea work to regulate blood sugar and therefore decrease insulin release and in turn fat storage.


In addition to all the benefits discussed above is appetite suppression. Researchers at the University of Chicago found that rats injected with the extract consumed 60% less food than they did had before. This is probably another effect of the blood sugar leveling ability of green tea.


Apparently, from the many studies that have been done, some of which were talked about here, there is evidence that green tea and weight loss go hand in hand. There are many areas affecting weight that green tea has shown promise.

Realistically though do not expect to drink green tea on top of a 4000 calorie diet and expect to lose weight. In fact, while there are many benefits of green tea when it comes to weight loss you should never rely totally on one substance for all your dieting needs. Green tea added to a sensible diet and moderate exercise is your best plan fright beneficial with delight connected with expeditious weigh devour retire immigrant.