Monday, July 12, 2010

Get Slim For Life

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First of all to become a slim person one needs to begin to think like a slim person. It is true that if you can change your mind you can change your body. It is very important to realize that food should meet physical needs rather than emotional needs.

It can be very uncomfortable to change your thinking regarding food. But if you can embrace this change and get comfortable with being uncomfortable (at least for a little while ? it will get easier) then you can develop attitudes toward food that will help you rather than harm you.

Create habits that are going to take you toward your goal and remember it takes 30 days to create a habit. Think about some habits which make it hard for you to lose weight (like eating while watching TV at night). Try replacing them with habits which will make it easier for you to lose weight (like doing some gentle stretches or squats during the commercials).

It is very important also that you learn to be nice to yourself. Think about the way you talk to yourself. Are you always putting yourself down and criticizing yourself? Would you ever talk to someone else the way that you talk to yourself? Instead of being down on yourself why not begin to encourage yourself? Tell yourself that you can do it and that you are going to succeed.

When you mess up be quick to forgive yourself and just get back on track. Getting angry about a mistake you?ve made will only discourage you and make it harder for you to pick yourself up again. Remember, two steps forward and one step back will still get you where you want to go!

Don?t try to go it alone. Create an environment of support. Spend time with people who will encourage you and cheer you on. Let your family and friends know what you are doing and tell them that when you are down you will need them to support you.

Make a habit of thinking about every bite of food you put in your mouth. Don?t eat mindlessly. Decide ahead of time what you are going to eat and stick with your plan. Be proud of the healthy food choices that you make. But don?t rely on diet alone.

Studies show that the most successful weight loss occurs when exercise is added to the weight loss program. And, here?s a great reason to keep going even when you feel like giving up; the more regularly you exercise, the more efficiently your body will burn stored fat! Aerobic exercise is great but try adding some strength training (it will protect your muscle tissue and burn lots of calories).

Believe you can do it and don?t give up. Try some of these tips to get started and be patient with yourself. If you are looking for a natural way to help you get slim for life I would recommend that you check out Taislim I know it is really helping me in my weight loss journey.