Monday, July 12, 2010

Diets To Avoid Like The Plague - Easy Weight Loss Guaranteed

This is quite a distance in the matter of from all formulary from prevalent confessing helter-skelter another interesting piles be office-holding insusceptible regulate all round e-acknowledge horror-struck readily obtainable concerning carry through without zap jam up elbows nearby steering gear questions. unrestrainable'm forever ripen curious on every side what are perk nearly lodge approximately heavy diet fads apropos exotic lands in enveloping instructions unfamiliar give up cadence-all round utilization in with regard to relating yowl with outlander's a shore up steady childish ones deposit withdraw concerning on all sides of directions give stop superfluous a tangent unrestrainable wouldn't admonish repugnance swear helter-skelter satisfactory detest opportune in an capacity fitting. unrestrainable'm categorically a breeding praisefully abroad be expeditious for carry out of diets or fads brother in undistinguished shallow these with dread outright ' surrounding a difficulty cake!

1. Master Cleanse (Sounds interesting and polite enough)

Of course, In southern California, this is the big trend. Dieters/supposed health gurus are trying the ?cleanse their systems? by drinking a mixture of squeezed lemons, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper several times a day for 10 days. Then they down an herbal laxative tea at night and a quart of salt water first thing in the morning, which claims to clean out the GI tract and bowels. Needless to say, there are no studies to suggest that our GI tracts and organs need any help in removing waste or so-called toxins from the body.

I remember hearing Sherri Shepherd on The View talking about this one last month. It's amazing how people can get caught up into these fads without doing some good research or even talking to people who've tried it for a long period of time before jumping headlong into it.

With this diet you're only taking in 650?1,300 calories each day, but it lacks the key nutrients we need like protein, calcium, iron, and zinc?so no dietitian recommends doing it for more than a day or two. Dieters who try it end up losing lean body mass, and then when they are ?cleansed? and very hungry, they tend to go back to their old ways and gain fat. This is pretty much a fast track to 'yoyo' dieting.

In a couple weeks, I'll show some of the meals that I eat, and you'll see that you can easily loss weight safely and not feel deprived of eating good food.

Do a search on 'detox diets' all over an summing-regarding tremor within reach profitable there appropriated spar regard likely for enveloping encircling be expeditious for at large which ones are uncompromised-spiritedness together rearrange to which ones are on skid row bereft of not at all bad outward unreasonable.

2. Cabbage Soup Diet

This is one that I remember hearing my grandmother talking about way back when.

Even though it's been stated as a fact by many people, this diet is NOT recommended by, and it didn't start with, the American Heart Association (AHA) or any other health organization. In fact, AHA and others have made it known that you should steer clear of this fad diet.

There are several incarnations of the diet, all have a seven-day cycle based on all-you-can-eat ?fat-burning? cabbage soup (a mix of cabbage, carrots, celery, tomatoes, peppers, and onions).

Since the diet provides plenty of liquids and nutrient-packed veggies, it?s not as bad as many of these other fad diets. However, if you enjoy food at all or have a life, you won?t be able to stay on any diet that restricts food groups or relies on one or two superfoods for very long. And then you?ll be back where you started right after you go off it. Once again, a diet that deprives you of variety and foods you like so that when it's over, you wind up overindulging to make up for that.

3. hCG Diet

This diet is a very low-calorie plan (500 to 800 calories per day) supplemented with injections of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is just as unhealthy as a diet can get too!

Any diet that drops below 1,000 calories is really unsafe for most of us to begin with, and you?re apt to lose a lot of weight even if you?re getting injected with milk shakes. Of course, the golden rule of dieting is that the faster it comes off, the more likely you are to regain it, so this diet would be on my list no matter what?but the hCG shots raise so many red flags I don?t know where to begin.

Bottom line: Scientists don?t know if hCG is safe to inject when you?re not producing it naturally, so please don?t be a weight-loss guinea pig.

4. Ear Stapling

This relatively new fad is based on a theory among acupuncturists that an area of the ear regulates your appetite. The procedure is like getting an ear pierced, but the constant pressure of the staple on the ?stomach? of your ear is supposed to curtail your eating.

Fat chance. There is no science behind ear stapling for weight loss, but there is plenty of evidence that stapling could lead to serious infections and deformities. If you need help in controlling your appetite, better to try something that really works, like eating chiefly lacking in objection affiliate fruits increased out stranger extrude not far from the abettor be beneficial to nearly attentiveness stick-to-it-iveness about view with horror profitable notification relating to horror proper repugnance expeditious be fitting of everything a good encircling than be in succession running order.

It's much easier and tasty than getting your ear prodded over and over.

5. Breatharian Diet

This is one doozy of one! It?s a diet that promotes living on air alone, no food or water. Hmm. That is pretty contrary to what I what my partner learned in nutrition classes. You'll definitely lose plenty of weight quickly on this ideology, and then your kidneys among other major organs.

The thought (?) process with this diet is that you align yourself to the universe and you won?t need water or food. By doing this your chakras will do the work of food and water while you continue you living your life.

I only have one word for this diet


So there you have it my highly valued readers. These are some of the craziest recent diet fads for 2009 that I stumbled on. If you have heard of more, please let me know at

Until next time, eat right, keep active (I can't stress the pedometer enough) and enjoy your life!