Monday, July 12, 2010

Best Way To Lose Stomach Fat - The Big Secret

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The Big, Scary Secret About the Best Way to Lose Stomach Fat

Imagine this: you go into a fitness room and you ask those fine individuals who are working there, "What's the best way to lose my spare tire?" What do you suppose their answer is?

If you've ever done this, then you're probably aware that they'll give you the typical answer: crunches. The big secret is that crunches are not going to give you the results you want. Let's dissect this a little further:

What is the result you want?

A six pack?

To lose a few inches?

Just to get healthful?

Of all of these results, absolutely none of them require crunches. In fact, crunches would HINDER your progress in them. If you're looking for the best way to lose stomach fat effectively, then you're going to be looking at doing the following (and none of it has to do with crunches).

Eating is the Best Way to Lose Stomach Fat:

Sound too good to be true? Keep reading.

You have a lean stomach. It's true. Underneath layers of fat, there is a lean, defined tummy. You need to get rid of the fat around the stomach in order to have your abs show up. To do this, you're going to need to eat right. Here are just some very basic tips on how to eat to lose stomach fat:

Eat lean meat like chicken instead of fatty red meat.

Snack on deep colored vegetables throughout the day.

Try to stay away from starchy foods declare related to potatoes.

These are pretty basic right? They're things that you could begin doing right night in order to lose some of that unwanted belly fat.

Exercising is the Second Best Way to Lose Stomach Fat:

I know I was just ripping "crunches" a new one up there, but there is a proper and an improper way to lose stomach fat and train the abdominals.

Training your stomach means using the muscles in the way they were designed. We're also trying to burn fat (because as I disclosed above, you've already got lean abs - you just can't see them). So to work the abs as well as burn fat, we're going to need to do exercises that fulfill both of these goals. Here are some tips that you can start utilizing (along with eating right).

Practice on balance so that your abs will tighten up, and make you more stable.

Using high intensity circuit training is the best way to lose stomach fat.

Stay active throughout your day. Take 5 minute breaks just to suck in your tummy.